July 7, 2011

Catchin' some ZZZZZ's

I've been told that I need to 'sleep when baby sleeps', however I would have missed this beautiful sight today.  All my babies sleeping....

Bubba snoozin'- he's taking up the entire bed

Jonah also taking up the bed- just like Daddy.

Lucas sleeping like a baby.
Gaining 6 ounces in two days is tough work!
Okay, now I'm tired.  I'm going to sleep some too.  On the couch of course! :)


Kew said...

Baby Lucas is too cute. I cannot wait to meet him.

Mom Wedd said...

Aww, how cute. With luck you can coordinate all 3 of your kids nap at the same time EVERY day! Love and miss you, Mom W

Unknown said...

Just perfect. Those are some lucky boys to have you, my dear!

Unknown said...

I was passed out hard. She took all these pictures. Pounded away on the keyboard. Stole my phone from my bedside, and I heard nothing. I reached for my phone as I woke up, spazzed out cause it wasn't there. It was hooked up to the computer and I had and email on my phone of me sleeping. She likes to pull suprises on me. She is pretty good at it too. And yea I was laying diagonal on the bed. ;)