August 1, 2011


It's officially August 1 which marks the ONE MONTH birthday of our new baby, Lucas!  Can you believe it? I sure can't!  I think the blistering heat of Oklahoma and Kansas has fried parts of my memory lately.  Perhaps that's just how parenting works.  The days go by slowly, diapers get changed, we lose sleep, but suddenly there are thirty-one days right out the window.  Can I have a few of them back?

I did manage to get some good pics of the Gaeddert clan this month.  Here are few gems!

Great Grandpa "Poppop" with Lucas James
(James is his name- that's why we chose it!)

My boys in orange!

Did you smell that?

"Aunt" Paige with her "nephews"
A couple of other noteworthy milestones this month:  Jonah said his first official more-than-two-word sentence.  What was it, you say?  Well he was outside on the porch looking intently on the ground when he says, "Momma, I got a bug!"  So cute. 

Also, you can mark it on your calendar- Lucas gave me a lovely smile yesterday.  I don't care what any of you say, it was an honest to goodness grin.  Again, so cute!

And to round it off, was a fabulous birthday conversation I had with Jonah.  It goes something like this:
Mom- Jonah let's talk about what you would like for your birthday.  Would you like a bike?
Jonah- Yeah
Mom- Would you like a camera?
Jonah- Yeah
Mom- Would you like more choo choos (trains)?
Jonah- No
Mom- Well what would you like?
Jonah- CAKE! 

Again, SO. CUTE.  For more cuteness, check out Jonah in this video!