June 24, 2011

Ready to Pop!

I have officially decided that Cashew is going to be our difficult child.  He must know that he is not the first born, and has resigned to being stubborn and uncooperative.  He is now three days overdue and not giving me any indication that he'll be making an appearance soon.  I've tried everything... eating spicy Mexican food, taking long walks daily, I even "ran" (more like an exaggerated waddle) out into the middle of a t-ball field to investigate a forgotten hat.  My wonderful mother-in-law made the trek up here this week with the hope of helping coax the little guy out.  While that hasn't happened, having her here sure makes the waiting more bearable!  :) Thanks, MomG!

With all that said, here is what we've been doing to pass the time....
Attempting to potty train... yeah, right!
Someday he'll pay me back for putting this in cyberspace.

Celebrate Dad's 29th Birthday!
As you can see we made it a big party.  Sorry, honey!

Play with Daddy's new train set!  Happy Father's Day!

Take family walks around the "lake" at our apartment complex.

Picnic in the park.  Enjoying the 75 degree weather! 

See our Father's Day and playing at the park videos too! 

We have been having fun, but if you all could offer any suggestions to encourage Cashew to join us, please pass them along!  I'm ready!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The first picture is of Jonah pooping. So, I thought the title of this post was "Ready to Poop!" Pure disapointment.